Experienced EMS Manufacturer For Industry

Electronic Manufacturing Services company & Contract Manufacturer for Industrial

Electronic Manufacturing Services for Industrial

Industrial applications consist of various technologies applied to numerous industries. From printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) to full product assembly and manufacturing, it implies dealing with complex electronic circuit boards as well as mechanical enclosures (sheet metals, CNC, plastics), to reach the perfect result for our customers. Your EMS partner must be expert for years in electronic manufacturing solutions.

Multiple industries. One EMS partner.

The industrial industry has been historically one of the major segment served by Asteelflash yet we are now witnessing the Internet of Things, with a specific attention towards the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which will bring connectivity and automation to factories and companies around the world.

To support such advancement, teaming up with the right partner is instrumental to bringing new products to market succesfully. At Asteelflash, we offer the full array of services from design and specifications definition to mass-production at all of our 18 locations.

As an electronic contract manufacturing company and industrial electronics manufacturer, leader in our fields, we have integrated in our factories new methods brought with the industry 4.0, like: automation, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, 3D-Printing, Internet of Things platforms (IoT), big data and analytics.

Electronic manufacturing service provider for industrial, our capabilities include:

ATM & Industrial machines

Automation devices and equipment


Vending machines

Power systems

Electrical transmissions

Receivers, Transceivers

Power tools

Test and Measurement

Instrumentation devices and equipment

Discover our facilities

Specialized Electronic Manufacturing Services In Langon, France

EMS company – France


Asteelflash Normandie

EMS company – France


Asteelflash Bedford

EMS company – United Kingdom


Specialized Electronic Manufacturing Services In Tijuana, Mexico

EMS company – Mexico


Asteelflash Raleigh

EMS company – United States of America


High-End Electronic Manufacturing Services In Milpitas, US

EMS company – United States of America


Asteelflash Île-de-France

EMS company – France


Asteelflash Lorraine

EMS company – France


Asteelflash Est

EMS company – France


Electronic Manufacturing Services In La Soukra, Tunisia

EMS company – Tunisia


Electronic Manufacturing Services In Bad Hersfeld, Germany.

EMS company – Germany


Asteelflash Eberbach

EMS company – Germany


Asteelflash Bonn

EMS company – Germany


Asteelflash Plzeň

EMS company – Czech Republic


Bringing a new product to market? Get us on-board from the early stage.

You are looking for electronic manufacturing services (EMS)? Contact us and find out our wide range of services, from design to mass production.

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